‘Care experience’ is defined as any young person who has been under the care of their local authority at any point in their life. The H.E. 4 Me programme offers a range of events tailored specifically for learners with care experience. We offer learners the chance to discover the world of higher education and their future options, focusing on the support available exclusively to learners with care experience. We offer free events for Year 7 – 13s and their supporting adults, providing support throughout each stage of their secondary education and their time in care.
You can read about each of our partner universities’ offers for care leavers here.
We’ve created a new guide to HE for learners with care experience!
CHECK OUT THE GUIDEWe are pleased to invite Year 9 and 10 learners with care experience to join us for a fantastic campus experience day at University of Worcester!
Learners will discover what university is all about while exploring the amazing facilities at the University, learning about student life and the specific support available for care leavers. Learners will hear from current university students, sharing their thoughts on what to expect if they choose to study at HE and how they have found living independently while managing their studies.
We’ll also visit the Lakeside Campus. Lakeside Campus is located in the beautiful Worcestershire countryside, just a 10-minute drive from the St John’s Campus. The 50 acre site hosts watersports lakes, woodlands and an outdoor education activity centre. We’ll take to the water and get stuck into some water sports – either paddle boarding or kayaking!
It’s completely free to attend, with lunch and refreshments provided for all attendees. If you may require financial support with travel costs, please get in touch.
Book places nowDetails TBC soon!
Book places nowTo be the first to hear about H.E. 4 Me events, subscribe to our monthly newsletter by emailing us with the word ‘SUBSCRIBE’ as the subject: aimhigher@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Unite Foundation – thisisusatuni.org
BECOME – becomecharity.org.uk
Care Leaver Covenant – mycovenant.org.uk