We can’t wait to welcome you to the Aimhigher Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2024! Here you will find all the details you need before joining us on Tuesday 11 June.
Date: Tuesday 11 June 2024
Time: 09:30 – 15:30
Location: The Alan Walters Building, University of Birmingham, B15 2SB
View the agenda including timings and talks here.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day, with all dietary requirements catered for.
The conference takes place at the University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus in The Alan Walters Building, located R29 on the campus map. The Aimhigher team will be there to welcome you at the venue, with ambassadors located around campus to help you find us.
Full details on how to find us can be found here: Getting here
Travel & Parking
The University has its own train station, ‘University (Birmingham)’. Most cross-country services to Birmingham arrive at New Street Station. Up to six trains an hour depart for the University on the cross-city line (ten minutes to University station, final destination Longbridge or Redditch). The centre of the main campus is a five-minute walk from University Station.
If you need to bring a car to campus, paid parking is available in the following location:
North East Car Park Multi Storey*, Floors 1-5 (access via Pritchatts Road), B15 2SA. The Ground Floor bays are reserved exclusively for Hotel Guests displaying a guest permit only.
*This car park does not have a lift – please contact us if you have access requirements.
*This is a cashless car park – register with RingGo to pay via on your mobile.
*Data coverage is very limited in this car park. In order to pay for parking on your mobile, you may need to walk away from the building before you are able to access mobile data.
If you have any issues finding us on the day, please email aimhigher@contacts.bham.ac.uk and we’ll be happy to help.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
We look forward to seeing you there!