Key Stage 3 - Aimhigher West Midlands

The transition from primary to secondary school is an important and significant event for all students, offering so many new experiences and things to be learnt. Whilst school can be thought of as predominantly concerned with education and academia, the learners also have to navigate their way through adolescence at the same time. The more confident and prepared learners are, the better placed they will be to deal with these times of change. Being a mentor to year 7 learners will most likely involve helping learners develop skills to ensure they settle quickly, establish productive routines and develop a healthy working ethos.

The following table can be used as a guide to help you plan your sessions. You will find comprehensive resources and internet links to compliment this information on our Mentoring Scheme. It is strongly advised you familiarise yourself with these online resources.

Topic/Theme Description Online LEP Resource
Explore the differences between Primary School and Secondary School

Here learners can investigate what was expected of them in primary school and what they feel is expected of them in secondary school.

The online LEP resources – The can be adapted to look at what differences learners are having to deal with and then be used as a starting point to address each issue in a bite sized chunk.

New subjects, new teachers, new layout, new routines, new friends, new activities, homework, more independence.

National Curriculum NI – page 32 – Five Questions – Start with the question since starting this school, what has changed for me?


Aimhigher Move on Up Online Games – A set of 3 fun games that can be played free of charge on PC, kaptop, tablet and mobile devices. They explore getting ready for the secondary school day, finding your way around your new school and making the most of extra-curricular activities.

Find your routine This session helps the learner focus on how they organise themselves; from how/when they wake up to how/when they prepare for sleep – and their school day in between.

Online LEP resources – The mapping can be implemented to help clarify what is needed for a healthy routine to be achieved.

Not everyone’s day starts the same, they may have no one to say goodbye to when they leave the house, or they maybe the only one leaving the house that day – help learners manage their own routine.

National Curriculum NI – page 38 – Hot Air Balloon. Use this activity to focus the learner on having a good routine to help them become organised.
Getting Organised Encourage learners to think about what they need to be prepared, – and why they need to be prepared.

Online LEP resources – will help focus the learners as to the benefits of being organised and keeping on top of work.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

How to Study – Time management – maybe show the learner how you manage your time?

To-Do-List – Great printable personal to-do list – helps the learner think about the benefits of being organised. Encourage learners to include another thing they need to do – not just school (i.e. do the dishwasher or feed the dog).

BBC – Homework.

Learn your school Use this session to gain an understanding of the structure of the school – find out what kind of support is available to learners; head of house, pastoral support, counsellors, 6th form mentors, and help the learner develop the confidence to have a chat and ask for help if needed.

This topic will help both the learner and the mentor have a clearer understanding of who the learners can go and see if they are having a problem beyond academic mentoring support.

If you feel it would be good for your learner to meet with the pastoral support, arrange a visit for both of you to their room, just to become familiar with the location of the room and the counsellor.

The first line of research could be the school website, then your school contact.
See the positives of being involved This session explores the positives/importance of being involved – joining school / out of school clubs. Online LEP resources – gives a template for learners to work on to help order their thoughts about getting involved. Additional session maybe needed to assist the learner to explore what options are available to them. Look on the notice boards at school with the learner. National Curriculum NI – page 38 – Hot Air Balloon

Own Your Future – these notes will give you an idea of questions you can be asking learners. The video mentioned is a little too OTT for many UK learners, so we suggest just using the ideas.

How do you learn? Here the aim is to help the learner explore how they learn and what they enjoy. What holds their attention? What can motivate them?

Online LEP resources – A fun online quiz that helps explore what they like and what kind of learner they are.

Identify with the learner how they can use this information to help them in their studies at home and within school.

Brain Boxx – Learning Style
Stay focused Some learners may find the classroom a difficult place to stay alert and concentrate. Encourage learners to think beyond ‘it’s boring’ to see if they are perhaps hungry, too hot, unprepared.

Online LEP resources – Mind maps and memory techniques are explored.

This session can lead onto a group session if appropriate, where learners can share their technique with others – see online resource link.

National Curriculum NI – page 51 – Mind maps

Brain Boxx – Memory

National Curriculum NI – page 25 – Get One, Give One

How to deal with/address bullying This session has been included so you are prepared should a learner tell you they are being bullied. As a learning mentor you will of course be referring this to the school, however a suitable link to signpost learners to is within the Online LEP resources to the right. BBC – Bullying

The Cybersmile Foundation – Dedicated to tackling all forms of online bullying and hate campaigns. With some excellent workshop ideas and resources for all ages here.

Exit Strategy

Key Stage 3: Year 8 Learner Engagement Plan

Many Year 8 learners are still finding their feet and learning how to navigate through their time at school. This is an exciting time, but also a challenge for many, with organisation, priorities and the requirement to be/do more seems overwhelming. During this year a mentor can assist their learners by helping them to see the positives in being organised, being good at time management and goal setting and having confidence to speak up if they need some help. Getting to grips with these issues and skills now, will set a very good foundation for their positive approach to learning and allow them to maximise their potential in future years.

The following table can be used as a guide to help you plan your sessions. You will find comprehensive resources and internet links to compliment this information on our Mentoring Scheme pages. It is strongly advised you familiarise yourself with these online resources.

Topic/Theme Description Online LEP Resource
Positive attitude – a way forward? Help learners discover what their attitude towards certain aspects of their study and investigate if this is affecting them reaching their potential. Forming positive habits has far reaching, long lasting effects.

Online LEP resources -these activities can be tailored to your learner to investigate how they feel about areas of school life and explore what influences are important to maintaining a positive attitude.

National Curriculum NI – page 32 – Five Questions – start with the question what is school all about?
Get involved This session looks at the positives of being involved in additional activities either within or outside of school.

Online LEP resources – encourage yr 8 learners to discover independence, time management, commitment and become part of the school or wider community .

Websites, notice boards; school, local library, doctors, newsagents – keep your eyes peeled for opportunities

Own your own future – these notes will give you an idea of questions you can be asking learners. The video mentioned is a little too ott for many UK learners, so we suggest just using the ideas.

National Curriculum NI – page 38 – Hot Air Balloon.

Thinking ahead This session is to research options for continued education, i.e. BTEC’s and College options.

Online LEP resources – introductory look at the facts that there are other options for learners, not simply GCSE’s.

Check if the school is putting on a performance that your learner could become involved with, even behind the scenes.

Which Way Now? – – thorough age appropriate information and activities.

edexcel – intro to BTEC.

National Apprenticeship Service

Birmingham Careers Service

How to stay focused – what type of learner are you? This session aims to give the learner an insight to how they learn.

Online LEP resources – the fun questionnaire helps determine what kind of learning style best suits your young person.

Be creative in helping the learner apply this new knowledge effectively.

Brain Boxx – learning style.

To-Do-List motivations – great printable personalised to-do list – helps the learner think about the benefits of being organised. Encourage learners to include an other thing they need to do – not just school (ie do the dishwasher or feed the dog).

Mentee Activities – study styles.

Managing homework This session looks to encourage yr 8 learners to adopt a realistic routine for managing their homework. This will stand them in good stead when the homework load steps up in subsequent years.

Online LEP resources – Online quiz to open up discussion of views on homework and how to manage time and stay motivated.

National Curriculum NI – page 38 – Hot Air Balloon

BBC – Homework

How to study – time management.

Study skills Use this session to help learners develop the backbone that will support them through their academic career by helping them develop good study skills.

Online LEP resources – Activities, hints and tips on memory techniques and creating mind maps.

This session can lead onto a group session if appropriate, where learners can share their technique with others – see online resource link.

National Curriculum NI – page 51 – Mind Maps

Brain Boxx – Memory

National Curriculum NI – page 25 – Get one, give one

Introduction to revision and memory skills It is possible that learners will be starting Maths and English GCSE in this year. The aim of these sessions is to encourage good study habits to be fostered.

Online LEP resources – Activities, hints and tips on, setting targets specific to revision for tests and learning about memory.

This session can lead onto a group session if appropriate, where learners can share their technique with others – see online resource link.

Study Skills Year 9 – Total Recall

Study Skills – Easy Reader

National Curriculum NI – page 25 – Get one, give one

How to deal with/address bullying This session has been included so you are prepared should a learner tell you they are being bullied. As a learning mentor you will of course be referring this to the school, however a suitable link to signpost learners to is within the Online LEP resources. BBC – Bullying

Cybersmile – Dedicated to tackling all forms of online bullying and hate campaigns. With some excellent workshop ideas and resources for all ages here.

Exit Strategy

Key Stage 3: Year 9 Learner Engagement Plan

During year 9 many students will be challenged to tackle some of the biggest decisions they have had to make for themselves so far – making their subject choices. Year 9 is quite often when many learners begin to realise they are growing up and they have to begin making decisions for themselves and their future. This is also a time when the differences in personalities are beginning to become more apparent. During year 9 mentors may find themselves needing to concentrate on helping their learners explore careers, choose options, investigate issues around the sense of self and also inspire year 9 learners to look towards their future aspirations.

The following table can be used as a guide to help you plan your sessions. You will find comprehensive resources and internet links to compliment this information on our mentoring scheme pages. It is strongly advised you familiarise yourself with these online resources.

Topic/Theme Description Online LEP Resource
What is Higher Education? You may want to start by introducing the concept of Higher Education and the terminology surrounding it. What does Higher Education mean? How is it different from their school?

It is good to emphasise to learners the following key points:

  1. Firstly that it HE is open to all, regardless of background, gender, race etc.
  2. Secondly, that it can be flexible in terms of how and where to study.

Online LEP resources include activities suitable for individual and group activities.

If appropriate check if the school provides opportunities to visit Universities or colleges for campus tours or subject specific activities.

Teachers Pack – What is HE and what is it really like? – Activities 1-7 are suitable for groups, and could be adapted for individuals. Activity 8 is suitable for individuals.

UCAS – for detailed information on courses and subjects to study.

Local universities – – Many universities produce some helpful information for younger students and their parents. The University of Birmingham has a junior prospectus as do Birmingham City University (follow the Think Higher Pre-16 link).

Why do people go into Higher Education? The aim here is for learners to realise that there are a variety of reasons for going into HE, and that individuals will have different priorities and reasons.

Online LEP resources highlight the benefits of going to uni. It is also appropriate to include your own experiences/motivations.

Check with your HEI co-ordinator if there are likely to be opportunities for your learners to visit your campus during the academic year.

The site – study choices.

Bright Knowledge – why do people go to uni article.

What sort of person are you? Here you are trying to build an opportunity to help you learner really focus and begin to understand who they are.

Online LEP resources include activities/quizzes which help learners focus on what they enjoy, what holds their attention and what can motivate them work hard.

Aim to interpret these revelations with your learner to help them realise the relevance to their subjects and learning.

Which Way Now? – Activity : Put yourself first, Activity : Take the first steps.

Brain Boxx

Soft skills With employers placing a considerable emphasis on the development of soft skills, the aim of the session is to discuss the nature and importance of these skills, and the opportunities that exist, both at school and elsewhere, to strengthen and improve them.

Online LEP resources – include activities to help build self esteem and personal skills.

The focus at this stage could be on improving communication, teamwork, leadership, people management, negotiation and problem-solving.

My World of Work – to confirm that industry want soft skills for good business.

BBC – Get Sussed – especially Activities : Your Skills, Smart Emotions and Smart Learning.

The Problem Site – for some fun online practice of problem solving – don’t spend too long on here.

Making decisions Help learners become aware of the importance of being able to make informed decisions. Many learners start to look at their options; many different progression routes into HE and the variety of ways in which they can study.

Online LEP resource – useful foundation activities exploring how we make decisions.

At this stage, the intention is that learners focus on how they approach decision-making, rather than on the decision about HE itself.

Career Guide – for an interesting activity idea exploring how we use levels of information to help us make our decisions. Will need some preparation work.
Goals Learners face uncharted territory each year as they are confronted with new decisions that will impact on their futures.

Online LEP resource – insightful activity which can lead to more focussed discussion.

Encourage learners to identify decisions they are making and then reflect on the decisions they think they should be making.

Making subject choices for study in Years 10 / 11, (Key Stage 4). Explore the schools’ Options process, highlighting both the compulsory and optional subjects that are on offer to learners next year. Talk to your School Co-ordinator for specific information.

Online LEP resource – information for pathways and activities for helping make choices.

The aim is to describe what is involved in the study of the core subjects, and to provide career ideas associated with these subjects. Additionally encourage learners to involve their parents/carers in the schools Options Evenings – usually during the Spring term.

Bright Knowledge – see Education Pathways: Year 9-11 for very good info.

Guide to choosing GCSEs – for a good overview.

Parents in touch – good independent info, note some further links don’t activate.

Researching a range of careers Learners can research what different careers involve and how they can become involved.

Online LEP resource – use information to research careers of interest by attempting to:

  • summarise the tasks and responsibilities involved.
  • list the skills required.
  • investigate the range of salaries likely to be paid.
  • find out the qualifications needed.

Check to see if the school has subscribed to careers sites such as Fast tomatoe-clips or kudos these sites can be very useful.

Bright Knowledge – see Career Pathways, Career Finder, then Careers Libraries.

National Careers Service – quiz based approach to finding that dream job

Careers Box – video interviews for different careers.

BBC – Get Sussed – for a 36 question online quiz that gives personalised list of suggested possible careers.

Pay scale – or salary info.

Qualifications and courses The aim here is to explore the range of qualifications available to young people.

Online LEP resource – activities and information to investigate; Entry Level Certificates; GCSEs; The Diploma; BTEC; National Vocational Qualifications; Vocationally-Related Qualifications; Apprenticeships; Essential skills.

Encourage the learners to explore the possible opportunities that exist for study beyond their current school location during Key Stage 4.

Bright Knowledge – see Education Pathways: Year 9-11.

Which Way Now? – thorough age appropriate information and activities.

UCAS – search local courses.

Edexcel – intro to BTEC.

National Apprenticeship Service

Routes into Higher Education The focus here is on the variety of pathways and progression routes that can lead to HE.

Online LEP resource – use information to show that the Diplomas and Apprenticeships can be key milestones on the path to HE. The session can also be used by learners to research the entry requirements in a subject(s) of interest – at three distinctly different HEIs.

Encourage learners to involve their parents/carer in their preparation for HE. Many HEIs have sections on their websites which focus on parents’ guides to HE.

Walthamstow Academy – scroll down for a table illustrating progression routes (please note 14-19 diplomas not longer applicable).


Conservatoires Admissions – for those thinking of music, dance & drama.

Bright Knowledge – see Education Pathways: Year 9-11.

Developing study skills and time management The session highlights how to develop effective study skills and why this is important.

Online LEP resource – lots of great activities and clear hints and tips re: revision timetables, memory and examination techniques, writing assignments and time management.

Investigate and discuss the opportunities that are being provided for study skills workshops and extra revision sessions at school, and encourage the learners to attend.

Brain Boxx – great online activities – tips on how to best support your learning.

Channel 4 Learning – clear hints and tips.

Bright Knowledge – see Study Support.

Money matters Although learners need to be aware of the expenses they will incur as a student, it is important that financial issues are not seen as a barrier to going on to HE, and that there is some brief mention of bursaries, grants and loans as well as the cost of living as a student.

Online LEP resource – The topic explores the cost of accommodation, travel, food, clothes, laundry, socialising, sport and mobile phone use – keep it light and fun.

Remember – learners currently don’t have to pay university fees loans back until they have left University and are earning £21,000 per year.

Money Saving Expert – especially good to encourage learners to look at with parents/carers.

Bright Knowledge – see Money section.

Exit Strategy

Key Stage 3 Downloads