Apprenticeships and Coronavirus - Aimhigher West Midlands

Apprenticeships and Coronavirus


Learning and Assessments

Training and Learning
  • The Education and Skills Funding Agency is working to increase flexibility on training and end-point-assessment so that this can be continued where possible.
  • Training providers are encouraged to deliver remote training where possible such as online learning modules.
  • If an apprentice has been disrupted in learning by coronavirus for more than 4 weeks employers can report a ‘break in learning’.
Gateways & End-Point Assessments
  • EPA’s which are normally face-to-face should be modified to take place remotely or should be rescheduled.
  • If an apprentice’s gateway is delayed they can have an extension to the assessment period.
  • If an apprentice is made redundant, the ESFA will aim to arrange alternative employment in 12 weeks.


Wanted to apply for an apprenticeship?

You still can!
  • Lots of employers and colleges are still receiving applications for apprenticeship
  • If you have any questions you can use email or telephone to get in contact.
  • Interviews are likely to be carried out remotely over telephone or video call so make sure you prepare and the employer is able to contact you.
Here is how…

Places to look for Apprenticeships include:

Get support for your application from:


For further information…

Keep up-to-date with all updates relating to Apprenticeships via the government website –

Amazing Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships have lots of online resources for Parents and Students including an Interactive Student Apprenticeship Guide and monthly Parent’s Packs.

Considering Applying?

Take a look at college and training provider’s websites to keep updated on their specific coronavirus response

Already an Apprentice?

Remember to stay in contact with your training provider and employer



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