Primary - Aimhigher West Midlands

Transition Games

Moving from Primary school to Secondary school is a big and exciting step. We have a range of games to help you feel prepared.

Play games here

Ideas for your future

Wondering what you might want to be when you’re older? The best place to start is to ask yourself ‘What am I good at? and ‘What do I love doing?’


Then how about…

  • Advertisement
  • Photography
  • Art Therapy
  • Fashion Design
  • Car Design
  • Illustration
  • Game Design
  • Interior Design


Then how about…

  • Banking
  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • IT Specialist
  • Financial Analysis
  • Accounting


Then how about…

  • Doctor
  • Paramedic
  • Nursing
  • Cosmetic Product Development
  • Laboratory Managing
  • Ecology
  • Astronomy
  • Nuclear Science
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary
  • Dentistry


Then how about…

  • Acting
  • Youth Work
  • Stage Management
  • Radio Presenting
  • Voice Coaching
  • Directing
  • Playwriting


Then how about…

  • Journalism
  • Teaching
  • Script Writing
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Communications
  • Journalism

Food and cooking?

Then how about…

  • Food Product Development
  • Baking
  • Chef
  • Environmental Health Official
  • Food critic


Then how about…

  • Geology
  • Sustainable Environmental Management
  • Travel Writing
  • Environmental Consultancy
  • Town Planning
  • Social Research


Then how about…

  • Archiving
  • Archaeology
  • Heritage Management
  • Museum Curation
  • Academic Research

Foreign Languages?

Then how about…

  • International Business Interpretation
  • Translator
  • Charity Management
  • Tourism Management
  • International Student Recruitment
  • News Reporting


Then how about…

  • Sports Coaching
  • Sports Therapy
  • Health Promotion Specialism
  • Extreme Sports Events Management
  • Personal Training
  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy