Virtual Work Experience - Aimhigher West Midlands

Virtual Work Experience

You might not be able to do the typical work experience week at the moment but there are lots of other ways to build those important employability skills.

Why not look for a virtual work experience opportunity instead?

Here are 3 examples…

Barclays Virtual Work Experience


Barclay’s Virtual Work Experience with Freeformers – looking and understanding the inner workings of a digital transformation agency. Having the opportunity to work with different departments helping complete a project and solve problems, completing real-life tasks.


Speakers for Schools Virtual Work Experience (VWEX)

Speakers for schools virtual work experience – an advertising and application portal, where different organisations and employers advertise their work experience opportunities and students can then apply for them via the portal. The summer placements start on the final two weeks of June and the first two weeks of July. You have to have signed up and found a placement before then. Usually a 1 or 2 week experience.


Inside Sherpa


InsideSherpa – This is an open access platform for students to be a part of. It connects students to company endorsed work experience programmes. They are online programmes built and endorsed by leading companies, to stimulate real world experience. The online programmes consist of online modules and resources that replicate a day in the life of a graduate.


Take a look on the PROSPECTS website for more info on virtual work experience



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